Educational Tour Operator Manual

Dear partner

It’s my great pleasure to introduce our Educational Tour Operator Manual. The Manual is here to help explain what we do (and how we do it) at InTuition, and hopefully answer any questions you might have about our programmes, packages, operations and key contact details.

Delivering market-leading service to our partners is of vital importance to the success of our business. We aim to be friendly, flexible, reliable and accessible, and will always provide a prompt and efficient response to any enquiry, big or small. We’re here to help!

In addition to this manual, please also refer to the Prices page for programme prices and dates.

We look forward to working together in delivering unforgettable study travel experiences to all of our students.

Best wishes

Simon Thorley, CEO


  1. ETO Principles of Cooperation
  2. Contact Information
  3. Commercial Policies
  4. Student Policies
  5. Homestay Language Immersion Courses
    1. Course Information
    2. Sample Timetables
    3. Sample Social Programme
  6. Online Courses
    1. Course Information
  7. Other Tutoring Courses

    ETO Principles of Cooperation

    The following statements form the nature of the agreement between an ETO and InTuition Languages:

    • InTuition Languages provides education services to the ETO's business. Acting as a principal, the ETO separately provides those education services (often packaged together with other services and products) to its clients.
    • The ETO does not act as InTuition Languages’ agent. Instead it acts as a principal. It contracts directly with its clients. It does not contract on behalf of InTuition Languages.
    • The ETO views its business as being entirely commercially separate from InTuition Languages'.
    • InTuition Languages does not have any control over the ETO's operations.
    • It is entirely the ETO's choice whether to contract with InTuition Languages. The ETO is entitled to end the relationship in accordance with the standard terms and conditions.
    • The ETO is not obligated contractually (or otherwise) to send any of its clients to InTuition Languages.
    • InTuition Languages has no ownership of the ETO's client base or client relations.
    • When buying the services offered by InTuition Languages the ETO chooses from a range of providers in the market.
    • The ETO has its own reputation in the market for the provision of programmes which exists independently of its relationship with InTuition Languages.

                      Contact Information

                      Simon Thorley


                      Sales, marketing and partnerships

                      Grace Emery

                      Operations Director

                      EFL bookings and operations management


                      Alexa Randell

                      Director of Studies

                      EFL teacher recruitment and development, safeguarding

                      Cyrielle Giger-Dechavanne

                      MFL Operations Manager

                      MFL bookings and teacher recruitment and development

                      Accounts payable and receivable:, +44 207 739 4411

                      Standard opening hours: 08h30 – 18h00 UK time, Monday – Friday

                      Emergency contact (weekdays between 18h00 and 08h30, and weekends): +44 207 033 2390


                      Commercial Policies


                      We accept payment by bank transfer. We do not accept cheques or cash.

                      Full payment of all course fees must be made according to the stated due date.

                      If payment is not received by the stated due date, we reserve the right to cancel any course and, where applicable, require the student to immediately leave the tutor's residence at their own expense. Overdue invoices will incur interest charged at the statutory rate (Bank of England base rate plus 8%).

                      Cancellation Terms

                      Cancellation fees

                      Notice provided:

                      £200 / €250 / $300

                      More than 10 working days before the Course Start Date

                      50% of the total course fee

                      10 – 6 working days before the Course Start Date

                      100% of the total course fee

                      5 or fewer working days before the Course Start Date

                      Cancelling after the Course Start Date

                      No refunds will be made once a course has started. We strongly recommend that students take out insurance to cover fees and all costs in case of cancellation or in the event of leaving a course early. Student insurance policies will generally cover fees if a student has to go home early for a medical or other serious reason.

                      Cancellation for students refused a visa

                      The school must be informed in advance if students are unable able to start their course as scheduled. This is an essential condition of their acceptance onto a course, and any paid fees may be forfeited if this condition is not met. Visa students who cancel a course because of a visa refusal must have documentary evidence from the relevant embassy sent to the school before any refund can be considered.  Once InTuition Languages has received this evidence, all fees will be refunded, visa processing fees incurred. Students are strongly advised to book accommodation and flights only after successfully obtaining a visa to enter their country of study.

                      Disruption to international travel or force majeure

                      All students must take out appropriate travel insurance policies in advance of their Course Start Date. The policy should cover flight delays for any reason. Travel and course cancellation insurance is included in Young Learner student course fees.

                      In the event of flight delays or force majeure and subsequent course cancellation or postponement, we will not normally refund fees. However, in exceptional circumstances, where a cancellation can be seen to be directly as a result of force majeure, we will look sympathetically at the individual circumstances and may issue a credit to the ETO for the full amount of the relevant course fees, and assist students to rebook their course at a later date. In these circumstances, the school will not charge cancellation fees, although accommodation charges may still apply. In all cases we must be kept informed by email and phone of changes to travel plans.

                      We take the safety and welfare of every student very seriously. The school will therefore do its best in working with ETOs to limit the distress and inconvenience if a student is forced to make last-minute changes to his or her arrival or departure plans. If students are unable to leave their country of study at the end of their course, the school will assist students in finding temporary accommodation and where possible, existing accommodation arrangements will be extended. The school has a duty to ensure the safety and welfare of Young Learners, and will offer all assistance in helping these students to book alternative ways of returning home.

                      ETO Discounts

                      InTuition Languages applies ETO discounts on tuition fees in accordance with the rates stated in your ETO Agreement.

                      Once you have confirmed the details of your booking, we will send you an invoice for the services to be provided. This will show the fee net of your agreed discount. This document is for your attention only and should not be shown to the client under any circumstances. We also provide an advisory statement of gross price, for you to base your client’s invoice on, should you wish. Please note that a deposit payment is not required in most cases.

                      Invoices must be settled by the due date stated on the invoice. We may cancel any course for which payment is not received on time, without notice.

                      If a student extends their course after arrival or chooses to purchase online lessons, we will take the gross payment from the student. We will then advise you of the commission due on the sale, and make suitable arrangements for a remittance or credit note to be issued.

                      Promotional Materials and Media

                      We provide a range of promotional materials, including photos, videos and brochures. We ask that you seek our permission before publishing any of our media in your own promotional materials. Use of our promotional materials is covered in our Privacy Policy, at


                      As part of the booking process, sensitive personal data (both students’ and host tutors’) will be exchanged between InTuition and ETO. UK and EU Privacy legislation (GDPR) places obligations on both InTuition and ETOs to ensure correct usage, storage and disposal of this data. Responsibilities are outlined in our Privacy Policy (


                      Student Policies

                      Full terms and conditions of enrolment are available at

                      Admissions Policy

                      All applications are dealt with on a case by case basis. Applications are accepted via post, email, via our website or in person. All students must complete the application process, which may include an aptitude test where appropriate.

                      The school may refuse to accept a student if we feel that we cannot meet the needs of the student for any reason.

                      What happens if there is a problem

                      We advise students to initially discuss any issues regarding their course, accommodation or social programme with their host tutor. Our host tutors are selected for their warm, hospitable and welcoming natures, and are determined that students’ programmes should be positive and pleasant from start to finish.

                      Where students would prefer not to discuss an issue with their host tutor, we are available 24/7 to discuss any matters in confidence. We have a great deal of experience in dealing with sensitive situations, and pride ourselves on resolving any issues quickly and comprehensively. Students’ comfort and satisfaction is always our number one priority.

                      The vast majority issues are resolved quickly and to students’ satisfaction. Where an issue is particular serious or urgent, we are able to move students to alternative accommodation quickly and smoothly.

                      Should a complaint be made to a student’s ETO, it should be submitted to the school in writing no more than 5 working days following the event leading to the complaint.

                      We cannot accept any retrospective claim or complaint from a student. Problems must be brought to the attention of InTuition Languages during the course, either by the student directly, or via their ETO.

                      Host tutors are very occasionally obliged to cancel a student for personal reasons and so we reserve the right to change the allocated family before or during the stay. We will, of course, do our best to choose another host tutor in the same location, but this cannot be guaranteed.

                      Emergency procedures and contact information can be found in the separate Emergency Procedures document.

                      Abusive Behaviour

                      Abusive behaviour by students towards host tutors, members of their family, or any other member of InTuition staff, will not be tolerated. Our procedures for dealing with abusive behaviour are outlined in the Abusive Behaviour Policy (

                      Visa applications

                      See our Terms and Conditions page for full information on visa requirements for the various countries we operate in.


                      InTuition Languages assumes no responsibility for accident, theft or injury suffered during the client's stay. We strongly recommend that all students have adequate insurance arranged to cover any eventuality.

                      Homestay Language Immersion Courses

                      Course Information

                      We provide a range of course options, catering for all levels and requirements. All courses are personalised to students' precise needs, objectives and preferences. Students are assessed pre-course, at the start of the course and during the course to ensure that their course is delivering precisely what is required.

                      The minimum age to attend an InTuition Languages homestay language immersion course is 18 for adult programmes and 10 for Young Learners, unless accompanied by an adult. There is no maximum age limit and the average adult student is aged between 35 and 40 years old.

                      Each course provides well-balance instruction in the target language, including understanding, speaking, reading and writing for general or professional use.

                      Students usually arrive on a Sunday, leave on a Saturday and have lessons Monday to Friday. Each lesson is 60 minutes long. 25 or 30 hours of study per week is suitable for mid-intermediate students and above, and 15 or 20 hours for lower levels. Our courses are not suitable for complete beginners who would benefit from gaining a basis in the language of study in their home country before taking a total immersion course. For longer courses, and occasionally with last-minute bookings for shorter courses where we have no one suitable host tutor available, we will divide the course between different host tutors. It is beneficial for the student to experience different teaching styles and methods, and it prevents them experiencing ‘mid-course fatigue’ when nothing seems to be changing.

                      We are happy to arrange for accompanying partners and /or children, either to share lessons with the primary student, or just to stay with the host family.

                      When you think you can’t help your client - call us! We never give up trying to help with the most unusual courses. Flexibility, specialisation and a tailored service are at the heart of every InTuition programme

                      Course pricing can be found here.

                      The homestay language immersion experience

                      Host tutors will always go out of their way to be with students in their free time or to give them opportunities for activities. The family will discuss possible activities the student may want to do, either before the student arrives, or during their initial orientation. If a student has specifically requested a particular activity such as horse riding or golf, this will be arranged by the family in the student’s free time. Playing a part in family life may include more everyday activities such as shopping or visiting friends. Each family is different, and students become part of that family’s life throughout their InTuition programme.

                      There may be some times when the student needs to be independent as the host is also often the cook, house cleaner and shopper. This time can be used for self-study and homework, which is an important part of the course.

                      What is included

                      • Formal lessons with the host tutor from Monday to Friday, for the number of 60 minute lessons chosen per week.
                      • Pre-course only assessment and Pre-Course Planner.
                      • 30-minute Meet Your Tutor online session.
                      • Comfortable accommodation with a private study bedroom.
                      • Full board accommodation (three meals per day taken with the host tutor family).
                      • Activities and visits with the tutor plus guidance on the best ways to spend leisure time.
                      • Total immersion with a hospitable host. Social contact with the host tutor's family and friends.
                      • Up-to-date course materials, carefully selected for the student’s level and objectives. Students on Professional and Exam Preparation courses may retain their course book.
                      • Free Wi-Fi access. Student should bring their own device.
                      • Transfer from local train or bus station.
                      • End of Course Report including recommendations for future study.
                      • End of Course Digital Certificate.
                      • 24-hour student helpline for welfare and teaching support during the course.
                      • 10% discount on InTuition Online Programme courses.

                      What is not included

                      • Incidental expenses: when the student goes on excursions with their host tutor or family they are expected to pay for their host’s entrance fees as well as for themselves (Adults only).
                      • Medical or personal insurance for Adult courses. Young Learners receive specialised insurance as part of their course fee.
                      • Airport transfers (obligatory for Young Learners in most cases).
                      • Early arrival and late departure. Antisocial hours supplements apply.
                      • Private bathroom or private shower room (not necessarily en-suite) – available on payment of the Prestige Homestay supplement.

                      Booking Requirements

                      Please make bookings using our Host Tutor Request Form whenever possible. We can also accept emailed bookings, provided we receive the following essential information:

                      • Full name of client
                      • Gender
                      • Date of birth
                      • Planned start date
                      • Course Type
                      • Number of Hours
                      • Interests
                      • Diet/Allergies/Smoking
                      • Special Requirements
                      • Preferred location
                      • Contact details: address, telephone number and email address
                      • Emergency contact details: name, relationship and telephone number
                      • Exact details of course required
                      • Student's current level of English (if unknown, please ask the student to use the online English test on our website)
                      • Number of weeks the client would like to study

                      Bookings for Young Learners

                      Before the Course Start Date, we also require in all cases:

                      • Completed and signed Parental Consent Form
                      • Parents’ contact details and emergency contact details
                      • For students aged under 16, transfers to be booked for both arrival and departure, unless the student will be accompanied by a responsible adult 18+ for the whole of their journey to and from the host tutor’s home.

                      Any special requests such as smoking/non-smoking, dietary requirements, allergies, etc. must be made at the time of booking.

                      For added convenience and security we can arrange for students to be met at the airport on arrival and taken directly to their accommodation. These transfers must be arranged beforehand, and you will be required to provide the school with the flight/arrival details. All Young Learners aged under 16 must have transfers arranged.

                      A host family may be different from the traditional family structure to which some students are accustomed in their own countries. Students should be made aware of potential differences when booking the course. The key point is that regardless of whether the home stay host is a single person or a traditional family, all hosts have a proven track record of receiving, caring for and enjoying providing a home for visiting students.

                      The Booking Process

                      1. We receive a completed Request Form, outlining your client's requirements and preferences.
                      2. We match the client with an ideal homestay language teacher.
                      3. We send you the profile for that teacher. An example profile is available here.
                      4. Your client has three working days to accept or decline the teacher. If the teacher is declined, we ask for feedback, so that we can recommend a more suitable teacher.
                      5. Once the client accepts a teacher, we confirm the course and send full contact details, invoices and other paperwork to you. No documents are sent directly to students unless that is your preference.
                      6. The teacher and the student make direct contact. The teacher begins to plan the student's course.
                      7. The student arrives. If they have booked a transfer, our driver will deliver them to the teacher's home.
                      8. During the course, we call each student to make sure that they are satisfied with every element of their experience.
                      9. After the course is finished, we ask for feedback, which is added to teachers' profiles for future students' reference.

                      Sample Timetables

                      General English

                      Student: Keiko Hashimoto Chemist (Mid Int.)      15 hours per week.  1 week.




                      1.  Assessment  of written and spoken

                      level of English through placement test and mini presentation of chosen topic. Diagnostic test of level comprehension, grammar and oral fluency, Listening.

                      Personal Study Plan

                      Grammar: Present continuous and

                      Present simple

                      Speaking: Set up project for the


                      Grammar: ‘since v for’.

                      Activity: Orientation of the local area

                      Homework Revision of vocab


                      Warmer: Revise and test vocabulary

                      Grammar: Present perfect. & time expression, comparisons with simple

                      past, irregular verbs. Speaking:

                      Listening : tape of Winnie the book book by Alan Bennet

                      Grammar: Modal verbs Past and

                      past continuous

                      Visit to Winnie the Pooh shop and the Famous bridge

                      Homework : Read Sherlock Holmes


                      Warmer: Vocabulary and pronunciation

                      Speaking practise giving directions Grammar: Present perfect – Headway Intermediate

                      Speaking: TV documentary on Global warming Listening: Elementary

                      listening tasks. Listening for gist and for detail.

                      Grammar: language for agreeing and


                      Speaking: describe the plots of

                      various books – tape and play back for vocab and pronunciation Free time – visit Sherlock Holmes Town

                      Friends round for dinner

                      Homework Read Short Stories of

                      A.A. Milne


                      Warmer: Vocabulary and pronunciation

                      Speaking:. Record Student Speaking: playback Recording: vocabulary

                      Grammar: present contin. v present

                      Grammar: Modal verbs revise and practise.

                      Listening: Authentic task listening.

                      Speaking: comparing and


                      Record and playback

                      Visit to National Trust Hever Castle and Gardens

                      Homework : Prepare for presentation


                      Warmer: Vocabulary and pronunciation

                      Speaking: Play back own tape and correct.

                      Listening: ‘Gap fill and detailed


                      Grammar: verb patterns listen to own

                      recording and count

                      Grammar: Future Tense – review

                      Speaking: describe visit to London

                      using Past simple.:

                      Final course presentation

                      Review and evaluated course and future language needs.

                      Visit to a Farmers market

                      Professional English

                      Student: Management Consultant (Mid Int.)        25 hours per week : 1 week




                      1.  Assessment  of written and spoken level of English through placement test and mini presentation of chosen topic.

                      2.  The Manager's Role    Discussion of main activities of a manager and

                      qualities needed by a manager to undertake these activities

                      3.  Brainstorm vocabulary of company structure and management


                      1. Host tutor interviews student about different styles of leadership.

                      2. Host tutor records student's interview on student's blank

                      cassette and discusses errors afterwards                Homework : Reading about a Company in financial difficulty (source : trade magazine)


                      S.W.O.T. Analysis

                      1. Student reports back on reading done for homework

                      2. Introduction to S.W.O.T. analysis

                      (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) relating it to the company in   the reading

                      3. S.W.O.T. analysis of company of student's own choice

                      Language Of Meetings

                      1  Communication skill :Language of meetings

                      2.  Roleplay of meeting between 2 managers of the company in article

                      to decide its future strategy and


                      Homework : Reading of case study


                      Reward And Motivation

                      1.  Pre-teach vocabulary  in listening exercise

                      2. Listening to conversation between manager and employee re work

                      performance (source : Intuition home- made)

                      2.  Discussion of motivating and demotivating factors in an organisation

                      Team Building

                      1.  Case study : team building at

                      Kaimar car works in Sweden

                      2. Matching vocabulary exercise

                      of team building

                      3.  Reading about advantages and disadvantages of team work (source : Internet)

                      Homework Choose an organisation in difficulty and make a list of recommendations about beneficial changes that can be made.


                      Managing Change

                      1.  Discussion of homework list of recommendations

                      2. Looking at successes and failures of implementing change

                      USING VISUALS   

                      1. Language of describing trends in

                      graphs and charts

                      2. Preparation of visuals

                      3. Presentation of description of visuals

                      Scenario Building

                      1. Set scene for imaginary scenario:

                      student's company will merge with or be aquired by another company next year

                      2.  Brainstorm Vocabulary  of mergers and takeovers

                      3.  Discussion of company's strategy

                      Homework : Prepare S.W.O.T.

                      analysis of company's strategy against above situation


                      Recorded Presentation

                      1.  Recorded presentation of S.W.O.T. analysis of imaginary scenario

                      2.  Correction of recording

                      Business Excursion

                      Meeting with local manager

                      Final review against objectives and

                      End of Course Evaluation



                      Sample Social Programme

                      • Sports (tennis, badminton, swimming , cycling, bowling, horse riding and others)
                      • A tour of the local area
                      • Cinema
                      • Museums/Exhibitions

                      There are also visits to lesser known attractions depending on host tutor location.

                      Sample Social Programme Timetable







                      Tour of the local area Stratford

                      Town Walk

                      Film with the family



                      Free time




                      Back stage Tour of Royal

                      Shakespeare Theatre

                      Family entertaining



                      Free time

                      Garden BBQ



                      Warwick Castle

                      Film with the family/Fireworks



                      Farmer's Market

                      Family entertainment



                      Leamington Spa

                      Sunday Roast Dinner


                      Online Courses (IOP)

                      Course Information

                      Our online courses follow the same principles as our home tuition courses: every programme is entirely student-centred, with lesson content and focus personalised to each student's objectives, requirements and preferences.

                      Unlike other schools, we do not require a student to enrol for lessons which follow a particular schedule or duration of weeks. Instead, students choose a package of hours (minimum five) which they then use with their tutor at a time and pace which suits them. All students receive a free 30-minute trial lesson with their tutor before they are asked to commit to a programme.

                      What is included

                      • 1:1 or small-group tuition for the purchased number of package hours
                      • Placement with a qualified, experienced and trained InTuition tutor
                      • End of course report and assesment
                      • End of course digital certiticate
                      • All course materials

                      Personal Tuition Programme (PTP)

                      Course Information

                      Our Personal Tuition Programme (PTP) is our tutoring package for students who don't want to live with a teacher throughout their course.

                      Students can choose to study either in their teacher's home, or at their place of residence or work - whichever is most convenient for them.

                      As for our homestay language immersion and online packages, every programme is entirely student-centred, with lesson content and focus personalised to each student's objectives, requirements and preferences.

                      What is included

                      • Pre-course 30-minute online Meet your Tutor session
                      • One-to-one tuition
                      • Fully personalised study materials
                      • Online pre-course assessment
                      • End of Course Report and Certificate