Pre-Course Planner Please provide as much information as possible, to help your host tutor begin planning for your course.Booking ID*Please enter your booking ID. It will either be "BExxxxx" for face-to-face courses, or "IOPxxxxxx" for online courses. Student Name* First Last Student Email* Course Type* Homestay Language Immersion or Tuition Only InTuition Online Programme Course Start Date* DD slash MM slash YYYY Language of Study*EnglishFrenchSpanishGermanItalianDutchSwedishRussianJapaneseArabicMandarinPortugueseAbout YouWhat job / studies do you do?¿Qué trabajo / estudios haces?Wo/ Was arbeitest / studierst du?Qual è la tua occupazione? Che lavoro fai / Cosa studi?Décrivez votre métier, votre travail ou vos étudesPlease tell us a little about yourself, your family and your interests.Cuéntenos sobre ti, tu familia y tus hobbies.Bitte erzähle uns etwas über dich, deine Familie und deine Interessen.Parlaci un po’ di te. Quali sono i tuoi interessi e passioni?Donnez quelques informations sur vous, vos centres d’intérêts, votre famille...About Your CourseHow many years have you studied this language for? Which books / study materials are you currently using, if any?¿Cuántos años has estudiado español? ¿Qué libros / materiales de estudio usas actualmente?Wie lange lernst du schon Deutsch? Mit welchen Materialien/ Büchern lernst du momentan?Combien d’années avez-vous étudié la langue française ? Quels sont les livres que vous utilisez ?Why exactly do you need to improve your skills in this language now?What do you hope to be able to do by the end of your course?Is there any specific vocabulary that you would like to learn?Is there specific grammar that you would like to learn or revise, or find confusing?Which exam / course are you preparing for? Why? When will you take it and have you taken it before?Exam Preparation and Academic Language students onlyDescribe your company’s activities and your job / responsibilities. What specialist language do you require? What problems do you have using the language of study in your job?Language for Work and Professional Language students only¿Hay algo más que te gustaría que sepamos sobre ti, tus requisitos o tus expectativas de este curso? Incluye cualquier información o material que consideres nos pueda ayudar a planificar las clases.Gibt es etwas, das wir vor deinem Kurs über dich wissen sollten?C’è qualcos’altro che vorresti farci sapere riguardo te stesso, le tue necessità e aspettative?Est-ce qu’il y a quelque chose d’utile ou spécifique a savoir sur vous ?Please upload any information or materials which you think will help your tutor in planning your course when you return this Pre-Course Planner (e.g. company literature, reports, manuals etc.) Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 256 MB.