Video Diary Competition Record and share your InTuition Languages course experience for the chance to win £500! Here's the important information: Entry to the competition is by invitation only. Both the student (or students) and the tutor must choose to enter the competition. For each prize, winnings are shared equally between the student and the tutor. If there is more than one student on a course, the student’s share is divided accordingly. Prizes available are as follows: First prize: Student £500 | Tutor £500 Second prize: Student £200 | Tutor £200 Third prize: Student £50 | Tutor £50 It is up to you what to include in your video diary. We are looking for creative and interesting stories! Here are some recommendations: Your journey to your tutor’s home Your lessons A tour of your tutor' home Meals Excursions with your tutor and independent trips out Social time with your tutor and their family Evening reflections on each day's experience Videos may be recorded on mobile phones. Your videos should be recorded in your language of study After the end of your course, your videos must be submitted by email to to finalise your competition entry. The deadline for entries is 31st March 2022. Winners will be notified by email in early April 2022. Entries are limited to one per course. By entering into the competition, you grant InTuition Languages permission to use your media and image in online and offline marketing campaigns and on social media platforms, for the purposes of promoting our home tuition courses. You may cancel this permission by withdrawing from the Video Diary Competition at any time, by contacting us at Any prize already awarded must be repaid if you withdraw your permission. Your personal data is held in accordance with our Privacy Policy. This sounds great: please sign me up!Consent I agree to the terms and conditions of the Video Diary CompetitionName* First Last Booking ID*